am I sick?
Humor, Wellness

I Do Not Feel Right. Do I Have COVID?

Am I the only one who has hid in the bathroom, sat on the toilet, taking tempscrolled through Instagram while taking their temperature? Am I going crazy or am I just a classic hypochondriac?

10 symptoms that could be COVID or just a typical day for a woman over 50:

1). The sore throat. I must admit that I have been trying to sleep on my back to avoid “crunch face” (the wrinkles that take hours to smooth out). I now sleep on my back with a satin pillowcase. That damn thing is so slippery that my neck gets elongated and I gasp for air and wake up parched and can barely swallow. Or is that tickle in my throat seasonal allergies? Oh boy, should I get tested before I attend the weekend social distanced bonfire?

2). Fever. 1:00 a.m. Wait. Is this just a hot flash or is it a fever? 3:00 a.m. Is this a hot flash or are my PJs a cotton blend instead of 100 percent cotton? 4:30 a.m. Is this a hot flash? I should get up and take my temperature, but I am too tired. 5:30 a.m. If I turn on the hot flash fan and IF I have COVID, I could potentially spread my germs to my husband and then who will take care of me if I am sick? 6:00 a.m. My mind is starting to race, if I am sick, who will check the sell-by dates at the grocery store, send snarky texts to my work friends during TEAMS meeting, or properly wash the kitchen counter? I soon realize that no one can really do all that I do in a 24-hour period and I better get the fuck up.

3). Achiness. Let us be honest, we can get a bit creaky after an afternoon of gardening, Zoom yoga class, sitting at your desk or even walking with a friend. Do I feel achy from my non-ergonomic remote work set up or trying to keep up with Lucy’s long strides? I cannot possibly be sore from just a long walk, can I? Is it arthritis, the extra 20 lbs. of my 1994 baby weight or am I coming down with something? I better check WebMD. 

4). Dizziness. Vertigo, dehydration, and dizziness can all be somewhat similar. Hard to decipher what is COVID, too much caffeine or that I got up too quickly. I am no Dr Fauci but I think that dizziness and blurred vision might be a caused by our eyeglasses. During these times more and more of us are choosing an online optical service for new specs. It can be tough to get those progressive lenses exactly right, or am I dizzy because it is hard to breathe in my three-ply Esty mask with carbon filter or do I have “the Vid?”

5). Fatigue. Is it 9:30 p.m. yet? Can I brew myself a cup of double strength sleepy time tea, pop some melatonin/CBD/Benadryl and finally go to bed? How can sitting all day and biting your tongue be so exhausting? I am too tired to drive to the county free testing site. Maybe tomorrow.

6). Loss of taste. Merlot use to taste SOOO good, now it tastes like chalk. I used to love Nestle Crunch, now it tastes like wax. Why do I need Himalayan salt to bring out the taste of things? Has my palette matured to Pinot Noir, 95% dark chocolate or is something wrong with me? Wait, I can smell how bad my breath is in my mask. I can cancel my tele-health appointment. 

7). Shortness of breath. Did I just walk up two flights of stairs while carrying a basket of laundry or do I have “sport-induced” asthma? Did I just unload the groceries from the car or am I having difficulty breathing? Is my cat sitting on my chest or am I having a panic attack from election season? Is this COVID or anxiety or am I out of shape? If I do 10 minutes of my meditation app that should help pinpoint this for me. 

8). Headache. Another headache? Did I catch COVID or am I experiencing too much blue light from all my devices? If I take two Advil and can still spend an afternoon googling Athleisure Wear clearance, Zillow listings and You Tube animal videos does that means I am okay?  I have headaches often, how do you know when I need to wait in your car to put a Q-tip in the upper portions of your nostril for an uncomfortable amount of time or when you should get off your devices, pop two pills and take a 15-minute power nap?

9). Diarrhea. My digestive system seems to be aging as quickly as my arm muscles. Did I eat or drink after 8 pm?  Did I forget to wash my hands after taking the dog out for her business? Did I forget to look at the expiration date on the Arugula? Do I have COVID or is it time to schedule my Colonoscopy? I will send my Dr a My Chart message. 

10). Loss of appetite. N/A

Please share your anxiety, symptoms, or stories with us here. We all have them.


Eileen enjoys observing human behaviors. She uses these to fuel her Improv, satirical writing and her career as a Recycling Specialist. Her power word for 2020 is ADVENTURE. More about her business at

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1 Comment

  1. Lucy says:

    So GREAT! I have felt like I have had Covid on and off since mid October! Keep the humor article coming!

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