Ideas from women over age 50 on staying busy at home during #coronageddon quarantine.

Ideas from women over age 50 on staying busy at home during #coronageddon quarantine.
If coronavirus is getting you down, here’s a little essay to hopefully cheer you up by author Sue Sigmon-Nosach.
Photo by luizclas from Pexels
Are you Getting in your own way? Lessons from last year by Sara Pelaez.
I call yoga the elixir of long-life and health. Practicing yoga has many benefits, but number one is you feel better. And, number two is you get stronger as you practice. There’s an old saying about getting to Carnegie Hall. It takes practice. Yoga is no different. Actually yoga is really easy–after you practice a …
Janet Sutherland-Madden’s book Nose Over Toes documents her recovery from brain aneurysm and facts associated with the condition.
Valentine’s Day dates to ancient celebrations of purification and fertility. We as queenagers are most definitely not interested in either, but we are interested in rediscovering romantic energy with our partners.
The Secret to Staying Youthful? Keep on trying new things… Have you ever witnessed an activity and had the immediate thought—“I am too old for that?” or “I could never do that!” I have. But lately, those negative responses in my brain lead me to question myself. And that growth is something new and exciting …
Author Sue Sigmon-Nosach emplores you to think about what day it is and gives you valid reasons to make it “your” day!
What struck me most that year was stated in the report: “Menopause lands when most women are experiencing empty nests and aging parents.” That definitely summed-up the time of life I was in.
Ok, we all KNOW better, but we get in a hurry and first thing you know, your day blows up in your face! We can see that very expensive earring (maybe a gift from a sig. other, in my case the hubs?) as it flies down the side of the bowl. We grab for it …