Pediatric Neuropsychologist Dr. Kym Larson helps grandmas understand when and how to step in regarding our grands’ emotional, academic, behavioral and social mental health. Great tips for our continued role as parents of our Millennial kids.

Pediatric Neuropsychologist Dr. Kym Larson helps grandmas understand when and how to step in regarding our grands’ emotional, academic, behavioral and social mental health. Great tips for our continued role as parents of our Millennial kids.
Looking to celebrate her milestone birthday, leaving no dream unturned, this woman made herself a rock star! In the process she muses on relationships, work, and life. A must read!
What struck me most that year was stated in the report: “Menopause lands when most women are experiencing empty nests and aging parents.” That definitely summed-up the time of life I was in.
The answer for if you could have dinner with anyone in the world says a lot about you and may surprise you! A Happy New Year’s wish and an essay about family by LIz.
understanding Millennials, Gen-Z and their values have a productive effect on conversation. This in turn provides auspicious growth all around and most importantly, connection.
If you’re an empty nester, and you’re alone on a holiday, don’t just sit in the house alone. Get out and see the fireworks!
Boundaries aren’t just for countries. Parents of adult children need to set some for themselves in order to have good relationships with their offspring.
Dealing with empty nest sadness? Check out Dawn Lantero’s strategies for changing the narrative on a changing time in your life.
My children are grown up. How do I know this? They are out of the proverbial nest. They are off the payroll. They are full-fledged legal adults. They pay their own taxes. They have jobs. They have rent that I don’t help them pay. They have spouses. But I still help them financially with things …