How the stress of teaching virtually during COVID led to the creative blossom of song writing and how it all led to a delightful children’s book, “Little Girls, Little Girls” by Lucy Dallman. The perfect gift for a little girl in your life!

How the stress of teaching virtually during COVID led to the creative blossom of song writing and how it all led to a delightful children’s book, “Little Girls, Little Girls” by Lucy Dallman. The perfect gift for a little girl in your life!
Did we learn some new things about our holiday traditions in 2020 and 2021?
I still get a newspaper delivered. So does my mom who lives in Peoria and pays for my paper delivery as a gift each Christmas. This week I was visiting and since she hasn’t had her newspaper delivered on time in over two weeks, I decided to go out and buy a Sunday paper for …
Am I the only one who has hid in the bathroom, sat on the toilet, scrolled through Instagram while taking their temperature? Am I going crazy or am I just a classic hypochondriac? 10 symptoms that could be COVID or just a typical day for a woman over 50: 1). The sore throat. I must …
As the months drag on, I am trying to envision post COVID life and how it could be better. And then I thought of the habits that I hope die off (along with the COVID 19 virus). 1). The close talker. We all know who he/she is. The person you shy away from at the …
What were you doing when … Lucy Dallman reminisces about memories from catastrophe’s past to come to grips with corona virus COVID-19 pandemic.
How a little piece about apple pie opened up a whole new literary genre to humorist Lucy Dallman
A little humor from Eileen … Congratulations! You are off the wait list and now a full-fledged member of the Under the Covers book club! I wanted to give you some pointers to make your membership successful.First off, please be punctual. We start drinking wine and bragging about our lives promptly at 7:30 pm.
Author Sue Sigmon-Nosach emplores you to think about what day it is and gives you valid reasons to make it “your” day!