What struck me most that year was stated in the report: “Menopause lands when most women are experiencing empty nests and aging parents.” That definitely summed-up the time of life I was in.

What struck me most that year was stated in the report: “Menopause lands when most women are experiencing empty nests and aging parents.” That definitely summed-up the time of life I was in.
Start the decade with 31 fantastic and easy-to-do items on a check list that take up no time at all but will make you and others feel great to start 2020!
We are middle-aged and there is so much to celebrate, including a key factor; we are alive. More alive than any middle-ager ever before us.
I realized what a golden opportunity awaited me—to join the millions of other women whose volunteer service keeps the nation going.
Boundaries aren’t just for countries. Parents of adult children need to set some for themselves in order to have good relationships with their offspring.
Have you seen women with incredibly long and lustrous eyelashes? Do you sometimes wonder why they were born with this natural gift and why you weren’t? The truth is more and more women are getting eyelash extensions, so when you spot someone with long, thick eyelashes, chances are they’re not “real real” but are real …
I joined the Great Escape Publishing community when I attended the 2017 Ultimate Photography Workshop in San Diego. At the time, I had no idea there was a community that was hiding there in plain sight, waiting to help me whenever I felt ready. Throughout the year following this, the community has been available for …
In life, work, fun or families…It is all equally important. As the following adage goes: A DREAM Written down with a date Becomes a GOAL A Goal broken down into Steps becomes a PLAN A PLAN backed by ACTION becomes REALITY We have all been exposed to this motivational adage in some form by a …
Women of a certain age have certainly arrived. If you are fifty or more, you are probably wondering what website can help me with the issues I’m facing now? These issues are different than the ones you faced 20 or 30 years ago as a young woman, potentially with little kids, learning to navigate your …