How the stress of teaching virtually during COVID led to the creative blossom of song writing and how it all led to a delightful children’s book, “Little Girls, Little Girls” by Lucy Dallman. The perfect gift for a little girl in your life!

How the stress of teaching virtually during COVID led to the creative blossom of song writing and how it all led to a delightful children’s book, “Little Girls, Little Girls” by Lucy Dallman. The perfect gift for a little girl in your life!
Did we learn some new things about our holiday traditions in 2020 and 2021?
I still get a newspaper delivered. So does my mom who lives in Peoria and pays for my paper delivery as a gift each Christmas. This week I was visiting and since she hasn’t had her newspaper delivered on time in over two weeks, I decided to go out and buy a Sunday paper for …
As the months drag on, I am trying to envision post COVID life and how it could be better. And then I thought of the habits that I hope die off (along with the COVID 19 virus). 1). The close talker. We all know who he/she is. The person you shy away from at the …
How a little piece about apple pie opened up a whole new literary genre to humorist Lucy Dallman
A little humor from Eileen … Congratulations! You are off the wait list and now a full-fledged member of the Under the Covers book club! I wanted to give you some pointers to make your membership successful.First off, please be punctual. We start drinking wine and bragging about our lives promptly at 7:30 pm.
I have to wear reading glasses. That doesn’t mean they have to be boring. The older I get, the more I realize having fun or being silly helps mental health. In this new era of the Coronavirus, we can apply the same concept to the new garment de rigueur that we all should wear. The …
Author Sue Sigmon-Nosach emplores you to think about what day it is and gives you valid reasons to make it “your” day!