There is one thing every queenager must starting doing now: and it’s not eating a bunch of potato chips.

There is one thing every queenager must starting doing now: and it’s not eating a bunch of potato chips.
Ok, we all KNOW better, but we get in a hurry and first thing you know, your day blows up in your face! We can see that very expensive earring (maybe a gift from a sig. other, in my case the hubs?) as it flies down the side of the bowl. We grab for it …
I can de-bone a chicken … (butcher)I can bake a mean chocolate bread pudding … (baker)Haven’t tried candle making…yet….but… I’ve been a successful sales rep for several Fortune 500 companies. I’ve quit jobs where I excelled and have been fired from a job I sucked at. I’ve started three successful small businesses. I’ve been declared …
2020 is not just a new year but a new decade! Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back and let’s get this party started! First and foremost, NO RESOLUTIONS! Seriously, no resolutions. Instead, I want you to pick one word that you can remember easily (not like all those crazy passwords we always …
Drown out the haters and focus on the positive. Are we trained to focus on the negative? Who are our role models? Michelle Obama and Julia Roberts talk about leading the next generation of girls and women into leadership roles, relationships with their significant others, planning joy into your life and their own roles as …
Start the decade with 31 fantastic and easy-to-do items on a check list that take up no time at all but will make you and others feel great to start 2020!
Whatever your thoughts on Dolly Parton, this podcast will make you think a little differently, perhaps opening up your mind to some new, kinder ideas and provide some tips that you can implement yourself as you strive to be the ultimate Queenager
We are middle-aged and there is so much to celebrate, including a key factor; we are alive. More alive than any middle-ager ever before us.
I realized what a golden opportunity awaited me—to join the millions of other women whose volunteer service keeps the nation going.
Helping others is an activity that is rewarding, fun and impactful. Feed My Starving Children is a national nonprofit that is helping on a global scale. Anyone can volunteer and/or donate to help.