Did we learn some new things about our holiday traditions in 2020 and 2021?

Did we learn some new things about our holiday traditions in 2020 and 2021?
Every Wednesday evening for a number of years, while my three children were growing up, our family would hike at the Morton Arboretum. We had a routine: Park at the Big Rock Trail and hike to and from the said ROCK. The trail is a 1.5 mile loop with a large boulder conveniently placed about …
Looking for love online? Try the first of its kind online dating conference for women April 5, 2020.
Valentine’s Day dates to ancient celebrations of purification and fertility. We as queenagers are most definitely not interested in either, but we are interested in rediscovering romantic energy with our partners.
The answer for if you could have dinner with anyone in the world says a lot about you and may surprise you! A Happy New Year’s wish and an essay about family by LIz.
understanding Millennials, Gen-Z and their values have a productive effect on conversation. This in turn provides auspicious growth all around and most importantly, connection.
Drown out the haters and focus on the positive. Are we trained to focus on the negative? Who are our role models? Michelle Obama and Julia Roberts talk about leading the next generation of girls and women into leadership roles, relationships with their significant others, planning joy into your life and their own roles as …
Boundaries aren’t just for countries. Parents of adult children need to set some for themselves in order to have good relationships with their offspring.
Dealing with empty nest sadness? Check out Dawn Lantero’s strategies for changing the narrative on a changing time in your life.
In life, work, fun or families…It is all equally important. As the following adage goes: A DREAM Written down with a date Becomes a GOAL A Goal broken down into Steps becomes a PLAN A PLAN backed by ACTION becomes REALITY We have all been exposed to this motivational adage in some form by a …