How the stress of teaching virtually during COVID led to the creative blossom of song writing and how it all led to a delightful children’s book, “Little Girls, Little Girls” by Lucy Dallman. The perfect gift for a little girl in your life!

How the stress of teaching virtually during COVID led to the creative blossom of song writing and how it all led to a delightful children’s book, “Little Girls, Little Girls” by Lucy Dallman. The perfect gift for a little girl in your life!
Original Publish Date: February 2020. See end of story for the latest news on Martha and her beautiful project to change the world. Martha Blom turned 95 this year. She received dozens of cards and letters from far and wide, some from complete strangers. She is not a celebrity but she has had the chance …
Sandy Serio Gregory writes about France and how her French amies are withstanding coronavirus there.
A message from Italians about keeping up their spirits during #coronageddon.
Six of the same seven food items you eat over and over? Try something new with Every Plate or Hello Fresh. I did, with hilarious results.
My short answer is the question of whether it’s appropriate to cancel or change travel plans is a personal decision that travelers must make after weighing all the facts at hand.
Venice oozes history. The city has a unique mystique that one encounters nowhere else in the world.
The quaint town of Saint Tropez, France, (pronounced of course as “san trow-pay”) is known around the world as an elite vacation destination, conjuring up the allure of the rich and famous. But anyone can go there and just feel like the rich and famous! Located on the French Riviera, overlooking the sparkling azure Mediterranean, …
Don’t let mis-packing spoil your hard-earned, long-planned vacation. These 6 tips (and multiple other ideas) will help you pack for success to maximize every second of your next vacation trip.
The Secret to Staying Youthful? Keep on trying new things… Have you ever witnessed an activity and had the immediate thought—“I am too old for that?” or “I could never do that!” I have. But lately, those negative responses in my brain lead me to question myself. And that growth is something new and exciting …