Dixie, my 12 year old border collie, is smarter than most people. She can fetch the paper from my driveway in the morning, grab specific toys on command, and in her younger days catch endless frisbees.
Here is her story and, in reading it, I hope you will learn something about yourself and also learn how to help your pet be as healthy as possible.
Dixie Not Doing Well
Back in November, I noticed that she was taking longer to pee outside. I mentioned it to our wonderful local vet, and he prescribed an antibiotic for a bladder infection. Pretty routine stuff.
But she entered into a medical cycle of finishing the antibiotic just to have the infection return, which led to an ultrasound that revealed cancer of the bladder. Bummer.
The prognosis was not good. She might have another six months to a year to live. Pretty sad stuff.
Getting a Second Opinion
My husband suggested we “get a second opinion” and we decided to make an appointment with Dr. Barbara Royal—a veterinarian in Chicago who we knew through a friend.

On the day of the appointment, we quickly realized just walking into her office that Dr. Royal was a different kind of vet—someone who truly thinks holistically about each and every animal she sees.
A Different Kind of Vet
Her office was designed to make the “patients” feel comfortable with natural elements and soft comfy cushions on the floor of the exam rooms. Dr. Royal had treadmills for rehabbing injured animals and a pet massage therapist available for clients.
During her examination of Dixie, Dr. Royal shared a copy of her book with us; The Royal Treatment, which details her innovative advice on combining Eastern and Western medical philosophies to offer your pet a path to natural health and happiness.
When she consulted with us, she explained that her goal was to restore Dixie to wellness and she saw the cancer as a challenge and not a death sentence. She advised us to put Dixie on a new raw meat and vegetable diet—which we did.
Dr. Royal’s Advice
We began using A1+ and Darwin pet foods.* Darwin pet foods are only available online at their own website (Not on Amazon for example). A1+ is available at boutique pet stores. Dr. Royal also put Dixie on some dietary supplements along with the anti-inflammatory medication that our original vet recommended.
I was skeptical to say the least. I didn’t want to get my hopes up that any of these simple changes would really make a difference in Dixie’s life. My husband was optimistic and we decided there was nothing to lose by adhering to Dr. Royal’s advice.
We bought the food and the supplements (none of which was any more expensive than the food we had been feeding her) and slowly and carefully transitioned her to the new dietary recommendations.
Amazing Improvement
In just a few days we noticed a minor change—her eyes seemed clearer and whiter. In a few more days, we noticed her energy seemed to be increasing.
And now, just a few short weeks later, we have noticed incredible, miraculous changes: her energy level has continued to increase, she is playing more with our other dog and trotting around happily on her walks with actual spring in her steps.
Her eyes remain clear and alert. Her coat is thickening and shiny. And, she had a “fatty” tumor on her stomach for years that has been shrinking before our very eyes. It has gone from a grapefruit size to smaller than a golf ball.
We are nothing short of amazed at this transition. I don’t know how much more time Dixie will have on this earth—but I do know that she is feeling healthier and happier than she was before. So if her quality of life has improved so drastically, these changes were so worth it!
If It’s Good Enough for Oprah …
I came away from this experience learning that although veterinarians are well meaning professionals who have been trained to treat sick animals—some are not well versed in animal nutrition. And dietary tweaks can have huge impacts for your pets.
Also, I have known Dr. Royal as an acquaintance for many years but had no idea the depth of her knowledge–or about her cutting edge philosophies about pet care. I had no idea she worked at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago or improved the treatment of animals at the University of Illinois veterinary school or had treated Oprah Winfrey’s own dogs.
What Else I Learned
A friend always said to me, “People come in to your life for a season, a reason or a lifetime.” I feel Dr. Royal was someone who came in to my life for a reason, but it took me a long time to figure out the reason. And that’s on me. I’ve learned to ask, inquire and discover more about the people who come into my life, faster! Not everyone is going to tell you everything about themselves unless you ask.
We are looking forward to sharing more time with Dixie and are so appreciative of Dr. Royal’s knowledge that restored our precious dog’s health. I am eternally grateful for her knowledge and am working on training myself to ask, ask, ask!
More Advice From Dr. Royal:
What Dr. Royal says to feed your pets (and what to not feed them)
4 things Dr. Royal says every pet owner should know
4 myths Dr. Royal says people should stop believing about their pets
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