In life, work, fun or families…It is all equally important.
As the following adage goes:
Written down with a date
Becomes a GOAL
A Goal broken down into
Steps becomes a PLAN
A PLAN backed by
ACTION becomes
We have all been exposed to this motivational adage in some form by a teacher, boss, poster or parent at one time or another. Albeit somewhat cliché, it is accurate.
From myself as a realtor and self-employed, this is a live or die statement of what my business plan should include. It is true for our kids and their SAT tests, school and sports as well. It may even work with families and couples as a means to improve cooperation, solve problems and achieve better communication. It is often encouraged to take the above description and truly share with other people, so it is not just living in our heads.
Many of us have these dreams and we are very busy churning out activity, but often to no avail like the Jetson’s dog on the returning conveyor belt. In other words, just activity alone is not going to drive our success. We need to share it, obtain others’ thoughts and endure criticism which will help ensure that the activity is focused, and results based.
The other element needed is to define how to measure our progression and eventual success. In my real estate business it may be three new client appointments each week, reducing time in the 400 meter for the track athlete and/or scheduling an event for a couple so they have valuable alone time even if it is a glass of wine on their balcony at home…remember all the visions of what we thought we would do when we purchased these beautiful homes with our partners and families.
Let’s actually do it, plan a date and be specific. To achieve any success in life, work, fun or as couples takes some work which leads to a more fulfilling experience.
I know I am now more motivated to achieve more joy, more financial success or just simply more valuable time with the people I love.
Note: Start by writing down all the things you had planned on doing at your home when you first discovered it, with your partners and/or families. Ex.: Add that hot tub and commit to Wednesday Hot Tub nights to get through hump day, refinish your kitchen cabinets and plan a party to celebrate and include one new friend…you get the idea.
Love this! Such great advice. You will never achieve anything without the first step!
Thanks for this comment, Dawn. I need help figuring out my first step! Yikes! What to do first, second, third etc. Help!