Fitness+Wellness Starts with a Workout Buddy.
At some point, most of us will require the need to cut back on our calorie intake and expand the time we spend burning them if we want to maintain a semblance of a figure and fit into our current wardrobe. As we age, this gets harder because you get more sedentary and less active. One of the best strategies for maintaining fitness, (not to mention mental health), is to find a workout buddy.
Most of the reason I work out now is not for the external – it’s for how I feel. I find working out gives me more energy.
Cindy Crawford
A workout buddy is that like-minded person who also desires to be motivated to exercise and work out and will say, “Yes!” ninety percent of the time when you want to head to the health club, take a power walk, go for a bike ride or hit some tennis balls.
This workout buddy doesn’t necessarily have to be a friend. It could be a spouse or significant other (S/SO). However, if your S/SO is into, let’s say, golf, and you are not, then you might need to find a workout buddy.
Finding a Workout Buddy
How do you find a workout buddy? I have been fortunate in my life that when I’ve needed a workout buddy, there’s been someone who also wanted one. My first true workout buddy was someone I met at the YMCA when I was newly graduated from college and living on my own as a single woman (a so-called yuppy of the ’80s). Her name was Reed.
Reed and I began to show up at the same fitness classes (back in the ’80’s these were aerobic classes, LOL, remember Jane Fonda work outs?) at the Y. Reed and I would get to talking after class and lo and behold we had much in common. She was out-going and personable which was a nice counter to my more withdrawn and introverted self. She became a true friend and even was one of my bridesmaids in my wedding. Forty years on, we are still in touch even though she lives in another state now.
When my kids were little, I started playing tennis. I discovered that tennis had a daycare provided for free and that was a big motivator! Being involved with tennis helped my meet lots of women who were also interested in life-long fitness so that opened up a lot of additional workout buddy opportunities.
I also have a close friend and neighbor who is always up for a power walk. We discovered that we felt better, slept better, put weight on less fast and generally were in a better mood at home after a great power walk. First, our power walks were half-hour around-the-block affairs.
But gradually we worked up to where we now will go out for a good hour and a half and cover a lot of miles! We also got into yoga.
Now, I’m a huge yoga fan, but sometimes I don’t feel like going to yoga. Everything aches or hurts and maybe I have a headache. I don’t wanna go! (Do you hear the whine? Or maybe a glass of wine sounds better than going to yoga!). That’s where your workout buddy comes in. One text from her saying, “Yoga, 6:30?” and, yes, that’s where you’re going to be too.
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Get Your Yoga On!

Thank you for the photo: Antonika Chanel on Unsplash
Of course, being women over age 50, we had to find workout buddies the old-fashioned way (meeting them in person by chance) back in the day. Now there are of course apps for that. One app you might want to try is …drum roll… You can also try Meetup and many other strategies. Search “Workout Buddy” on google and a whole strategy list pops up.
What’s Your Obligation to a Workout Buddy?
One thing that must happen with your workout buddy is that you must be consistent and reciprocating. Sometimes you initiate the motivation and sometimes they do. But you must say yes even when you don’t feel like it, because you know they are also doing that. You motivate each other.
Workout buddies also help with diet and mental health. You can share tips, ideas and strategies for trying to eat healthy, skip the desserts and snack on nuts instead of candy bars! As far as mental health, your workout buddy (if you’re lucky) becomes your sounding board and BFF in many cases. It’s amazing what you share and learn about while you’re on an hour-and-a-half power walk.
Workout Buddies Don’t Judge!
Recently I’ve gained a few pounds. It’s the winter weather, the holidays, the being human-garbage disposal syndrome for me (I hate wasting things). My workout buddies don’t judge. They’ve been there too. What they do is get me off my butt and moving about, which is what your workout buddy is supposed to do! And you do it for them, too.
Of course, you can always get moving on your own too. You do not NEED a workout buddy to stay fit. But it helps!
Keep in mind whether you workout or not, you’re still going to be achy and have pains because that’s what happens after 50. Face it.
But when you’re active and fit, even if you’re achy (which you’re going to be anyways!), you feel better, you look better and you’re going to exude an inner glow as well as an outer glow. Fitness also improves your mood (endorphins get flowing!). A good fitness regimen is the foundation for health, wellness and beauty! So, get a workout buddy and get moving!
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This is so true! When you’ve made a commitment, it’s hard to back out! Most importantly, find a passion! If you love a sport ( tennis) you will reschedule around it so you can fit it in. If you’re just so so about it, you will find ways to get out of your commitment. So, find something you love to do and find someone you love to hang out with! Win-win!