If coronavirus is getting you down, here’s a little essay to hopefully cheer you up by author Sue Sigmon-Nosach.

If coronavirus is getting you down, here’s a little essay to hopefully cheer you up by author Sue Sigmon-Nosach.
Six of the same seven food items you eat over and over? Try something new with Every Plate or Hello Fresh. I did, with hilarious results.
BLUE has been named the Color of the Year 2020! Interior designer Sue Sigmon-Nosach says, get the grey out now!
Author Sue Sigmon-Nosach emplores you to think about what day it is and gives you valid reasons to make it “your” day!
There is one thing every queenager must starting doing now: and it’s not eating a bunch of potato chips.
Ok, we all KNOW better, but we get in a hurry and first thing you know, your day blows up in your face! We can see that very expensive earring (maybe a gift from a sig. other, in my case the hubs?) as it flies down the side of the bowl. We grab for it …
I can de-bone a chicken … (butcher)I can bake a mean chocolate bread pudding … (baker)Haven’t tried candle making…yet….but… I’ve been a successful sales rep for several Fortune 500 companies. I’ve quit jobs where I excelled and have been fired from a job I sucked at. I’ve started three successful small businesses. I’ve been declared …