Darwin pet foods could transform your dog before your very eyes. How one pet made a remarkable come back after a near-death sentence.

Darwin pet foods could transform your dog before your very eyes. How one pet made a remarkable come back after a near-death sentence.
The Secret to Staying Youthful? Keep on trying new things… Have you ever witnessed an activity and had the immediate thought—“I am too old for that?” or “I could never do that!” I have. But lately, those negative responses in my brain lead me to question myself. And that growth is something new and exciting …
It’s okay to mix things up in the home. Rearranging furniture and rooms can give you a sense of freshness and newness
Boundaries aren’t just for countries. Parents of adult children need to set some for themselves in order to have good relationships with their offspring.
Dealing with empty nest sadness? Check out Dawn Lantero’s strategies for changing the narrative on a changing time in your life.