Comeback Careers book review Mika Brzezinski : It’s not your imagination. After age 50, your job IS more insecure and your ARE vulnerable in the workforce.

Comeback Careers book review Mika Brzezinski : It’s not your imagination. After age 50, your job IS more insecure and your ARE vulnerable in the workforce.
Not being a makeup expert, nor much of a makeup wearer myself, I wondered what can I write about wearing makeup? I like makeup, but I wear it sparingly and not every day (except I did get eyelash extensions). When I’m going out in public, especially as I have grown older, I try to apply …
Have you seen women with incredibly long and lustrous eyelashes? Do you sometimes wonder why they were born with this natural gift and why you weren’t? The truth is more and more women are getting eyelash extensions, so when you spot someone with long, thick eyelashes, chances are they’re not “real real” but are real …