If you’re an empty nester, and you’re alone on a holiday, don’t just sit in the house alone. Get out and see the fireworks!

If you’re an empty nester, and you’re alone on a holiday, don’t just sit in the house alone. Get out and see the fireworks!
Finding a workout buddy makes all the difference to actually working out. Maintaining a fitness and wellness regime makes all the difference to looking your best!
It’s okay to mix things up in the home. Rearranging furniture and rooms can give you a sense of freshness and newness
Boundaries aren’t just for countries. Parents of adult children need to set some for themselves in order to have good relationships with their offspring.
Have you seen women with incredibly long and lustrous eyelashes? Do you sometimes wonder why they were born with this natural gift and why you weren’t? The truth is more and more women are getting eyelash extensions, so when you spot someone with long, thick eyelashes, chances are they’re not “real real” but are real …
Helping others is an activity that is rewarding, fun and impactful. Feed My Starving Children is a national nonprofit that is helping on a global scale. Anyone can volunteer and/or donate to help.
Dealing with empty nest sadness? Check out Dawn Lantero’s strategies for changing the narrative on a changing time in your life.