
Making Life More Fun, Engaging & Creative

Here are three--out of many--stories at She's The Day (shestheday.com) you might enjoy! There's a lot more where these came from! Find and follow your favorite writers. Search and read up on your favorite topics. Got an idea? Shoot it to us! We'd love to hear from you!

Articles You Might Like from She's The Day

Vive la France! Our Hearts Are With You

Sandy Serio Gregory writes about France and how her French amies are withstanding coronavirus there.
Sainte-Chapelle Paris

A Slice of Life: Apple Pie, Marriage and a Writer's Workshop Suprise

apple pie by Asya Vlasova
How a little piece about apple pie opened up a whole new literary genre to humorist Lucy Dallman

Grandma, How Can I Live This Quarantine?

A native American writing on surviving the quarantine and coming out better on the other side.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
This is our second email. OK. I know we said more to come in two weeks, but we couldn't resist. We promise not to overwhelm your inbox, but we had these great articles to share with you, our fellow queenagers. Thanks for being part of and a supporter of She's The Day at shestheday.com (OK Boomer, there are NO COMMAS in URL's so just let that one go, if you don't mind!).
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