I joined the Great Escape Publishing community when I attended the 2017 Ultimate Photography Workshop in San Diego. At the time, I had no idea there was a community that was hiding there in plain sight, waiting to help me whenever I felt ready.
Throughout the year following this, the community has been available for information and inspiration. Those two words could really be in capital letters, but that can get obnoxious…but really….information and inspiration!
I’ve downloaded several lessons, and joined of couple groups. They’ve nudged me when I’ve been stumped for a direction. They have explanations of next steps. It’s amazing how much they share, and are not afraid to be helpful as though I’m gonna take a job away from somebody.
I believe they really know there is room for all!
I still haven’t had the chance to get to everything, but it’s going to be there for me when I do. How great is that?
I get to make my own path with the help of others. Here’s the thing: at fifty years (plus), I told friends I was “off to join the circus” because I took some training, and got certified to become an International Tour Manager.
I get paid to escort and teach small groups of people on luxury tours in Europe. The company I work for books as many as sixteen guests or as few as two, and I become their Captain for a tour. Having a positive attitude helps while taking guests out of their routines and auto comfort zones to visit and embrace and be embraced by beauty in other countries.
I work with hotels, step on/step off guides, and other vendors as we explore some of the rich cultures around Europe. My imagination helps. I can channel Eliza Doolittle in London, or tell them it’s as though we are stepping into a beautiful painting when we step onto an outlook in Tuscany.
I like to focus on beauty, and hopefully take care of details without disturbing their focus. For myself: I’ve sat at the back of a ferry boat from Sorrento to Naples in Italy, and realize that it’s practically the same as if I had a yacht carrying me to the same place…the views are the same, but here I have to pay the handsome young man for my coffee.
The world has so much beauty. I know there is pain and sorrow as well. I’m not stupid. But I need to focus on the beauty. I call it “rainbow lookers” or “dirt lookers.” I know the dirt is there, and I’ll clean it too, but odds are, I’m looking out for the rainbow, because they are there too.
Life keeps changing, and my next chapter is being facilitated by Great Escape Publishing. This past year, I’ve sold photos as fine art that I printed in black and white on canvas and watercolor paper, then painted, giving the photos I love a more human touch.
After exhibiting some at an art show, I sold a few and launched a website at Janette Tepas Images – Artist. At Christmastime I printed some of my best Chicago shots onto ceramic ornaments, and ended up selling them as beautifully wrapped corporate gifts in groups of twenty. I collect ornaments when I travel, so it helps to do something I’d buy.
I’m also printing up some digitally painted shots to sell as fine art, because they are so cool and fun. Now I’m learning to write with the help of Great Escape Publishing, so that it adds a new dimension to my travel. I’ve used my ITWPA membership badge to great effect to interview vendors at the Travel and Adventure Show, and got the best spot for a Chinese New Year Parade, because I’m “official” media. Yes, I called myself a “VIP” to the guys who were security around the dignitaries, but aren’t we all really VIPS?
Albert Einstein might have said it much more elegantly than my rainbow or dirt looker idea:
“There are only two ways to live your life: As though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein
There is a good chance Einstein said that, but even if it’s not true, it’s a great idea. I’m going with Einstein.
Thanks for sharing Janette! I love the way you have reinvented yourself as an artist, travel agent and writer. I absolutely love your photos and can’t wait to get one in my home!