Click for an interactive tour to marvel at the splendour of Sainte-Chapelle’s renowned 13th-century stained-glass windows, which stand 15 metres tall and recount the stories of the Old and New Testaments. Enjoy this majestic space virtually and think about planning a trip with Che Bella Tours in the future to see it in person.
Imagine a country where people work a 35-hour week, take 7 weeks of paid vacation per year, enjoy an hour and a half for lunch eating the richest food on the planet while have the longest life-expectancy and one of the best health-care systems in the world.
Imagine a country of over 65 million people, that in spite of high taxes, a bloated civil service, a huge national debt, an over-regulated economy, red tape, double-digit employment and no incentives for entrepreneurs … has the world’s highest productivity (per hours worked mind you), is the number three exporter of local goods and boasts the world’s fifth largest economy.
Imagine being the center of high culture since the 17th century, known not only for elegant language, architecture, fashion and fine food, but also cinema, literature, technology, science and mathematics.
Something that has always struck me about the French is that they are born with a passion for the good things in life. La joie de vivre translates to the “joy of living,” the delight of being alive and allowing yourself permission to explore, discover and experience new things and people.
Now imagine shutting down this sophisticated, complex and challenging culture:
… Seeing that the French were not taking this Covid-19 business seriously, Macron put his foot down, locked the door and sent us all to our room …
… First it was the “bises” ban, in which we were for the first time in French history advised to forgo the traditional air kiss. I’m not exaggerating when I say that initially no one had a clue how to greet each other …
… Along with the butcher, many bottle shops have decided to remain open — along with croissants and cigarettes, wine and steak tartare have clearly been deemed essential to life here in France….
… Every day I take an inventory of all the alcohol in my home – for disinfecting and drinking! …
… Knowing how rebellious my French neighbors can be, I’ve been overwhelmed by the feeling of acceptance in the name of national solidarity, the “we’re all in this together” attitude. It’s a beautiful thing. Also beautiful: Macron announced that hotels and taxis are now being offered to all health care workers of France for free …
… Not quite as beautiful: the sound of my upstairs neighbor’s new home workout routine of morning jumping jacks …
… How are things doing in the US? I guess the next weeks will be very hard and we are all in the same boat. I am working on next season actually because this season is already over – before it even got started. Crazy! Here are some pictures of Montmartre – EMPTY! …

The spirit of the Che Bella has always been one of solidarity and support among our guests and in-country partners. We’re going to keep that spirit in mind at this difficult and challenging time by continuing to bring you information and inspiration from the countries we travel.
And since I can’t bring you to France right now, I’ll bring a little France to you. Check out this list of my favorite books and movies and coming soon a few of my favorite recipes from France because, during this difficult time, as Julia Child said, “With enough butter, anything is good.” As we prepare that list, enjoy a video of how traditional French butter is made.
“Apres la pluie, le beau temps,” which means “after the rain, good weather”, is a poetic way of saying “things will get better”.