If you’re an empty nester, and you’re alone on a holiday, don’t just sit in the house alone. Get out and see the fireworks!

If you’re an empty nester, and you’re alone on a holiday, don’t just sit in the house alone. Get out and see the fireworks!
Dealing with empty nest sadness? Check out Dawn Lantero’s strategies for changing the narrative on a changing time in your life.
I joined the Great Escape Publishing community when I attended the 2017 Ultimate Photography Workshop in San Diego. At the time, I had no idea there was a community that was hiding there in plain sight, waiting to help me whenever I felt ready. Throughout the year following this, the community has been available for …
In life, work, fun or families…It is all equally important. As the following adage goes: A DREAM Written down with a date Becomes a GOAL A Goal broken down into Steps becomes a PLAN A PLAN backed by ACTION becomes REALITY We have all been exposed to this motivational adage in some form by a …
Women of a certain age have certainly arrived. If you are fifty or more, you are probably wondering what website can help me with the issues I’m facing now? These issues are different than the ones you faced 20 or 30 years ago as a young woman, potentially with little kids, learning to navigate your …