Photo by Kevin Lanceplaine on Unsplash
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Flags: Great Gifts with a Creative Flair

Trying to think of a creative, inspired, personalized and thoughtful gift for the holidays, a birthday, or any other occasion?

What about a flag? Flags are great gifts because they show you know what the person values and it’s something the person may never think of to buy for themselves.

Get Your Loved One A Flag

A flag is a fun gift that sparks memories and laughter, maybe even a few tears when the recipient opens it up. You could get a flag gift to represent the person’s nationality or something else especially meaningful to them, or perhaps a sports team they support, or maybe their Alma Mater.

If they happen to be a Notre Dame grad or fan, a flag can be the perfect gift! A


Writer. Marketer. Social Media Maven. Activist with a Passion for Bike Trails. Blogger. Mom. Wife. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Animal Lover. Sometimes background actor. Life is a Cher-o-let. Ginger is editor-in-chief of She's The Day at

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1 Comment

  1. […] are an interesting idea as a gift, too. Check out this post we put up about flags as gifts (great for the men in your life too as Father’s Day […]

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