Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash

Ode to Chicago’s Board of Trade

A mere 40 years ago this U of I grad
Just wanted a job to afford her own pad.

So out with the girls and to Rush Street they ran
In to Harry’s Cafe where she saw this old man.

He approached her and asked “Is it from CALI you came?”
She laughed hard and said “No, it’s actually Champaign.”

A job was then offered as drinks were a flow
She didn’t know what it was or where she should go.

To LaSalle Street she went, a degree in her hand
In her wildest dreams – oh the job she would land.

Was the job of a lifetime, but corn and soybeans?
It was just what she needed and not what it seemed.

The yelling and screaming were right up her alley
With contracts and options and futures to tally.

As the years then passed by there was never a day
That she woke up and said “I can’t do this, no way.”

A job she adored every year she was there
And a job that couldn’t end: Now that she couldn’t bear.

But 40 years later a virus would hit and took out the traders that stood in the pit.

As hopes for reopening the floor would soon fade
She then looked around at the friendships she’d made.

The tears started flowing – the end was so near
The job of a lifetime the very best career.


After almost 40 years at the Chicago Board of Trade, Carol was faced with "What's next," and at 64 years of age the answer is "Not much." Carol said, "I want to be passionate about something again. Time to reinvent myself perhaps as a poet or writer. I was approached by "She's The Day" and will be posting again soon." Check out Carol's first effort: a charming poem about her career at CBOT.

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  1. Nice work, Carol. Hope more doors open in this world soon.

  2. Janette says:

    So sweet and sincere! Very heartfelt. Well done!

    1. Jen says:

      Love this. Supportive and meaningful!

    2. Carol says:

      Thanks Janette! And you were there with me that night!

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