The answer for if you could have dinner with anyone in the world says a lot about you and may surprise you! A Happy New Year’s wish and an essay about family by LIz.

The answer for if you could have dinner with anyone in the world says a lot about you and may surprise you! A Happy New Year’s wish and an essay about family by LIz.
Ok, we all KNOW better, but we get in a hurry and first thing you know, your day blows up in your face! We can see that very expensive earring (maybe a gift from a sig. other, in my case the hubs?) as it flies down the side of the bowl. We grab for it …
I can de-bone a chicken … (butcher)I can bake a mean chocolate bread pudding … (baker)Haven’t tried candle making…yet….but… I’ve been a successful sales rep for several Fortune 500 companies. I’ve quit jobs where I excelled and have been fired from a job I sucked at. I’ve started three successful small businesses. I’ve been declared …