I know, I know….if you are selling your home, shopping for accessories, or looking at any home magazine, EVERYTHING is grey! Hey, I’ve got grey hair and that’s plenty enough grey for me!
What’s a Queenager to do? Grey used incorrectly can either be dull and boring or cold and downright depressing. Who wants to be depressed in the depths of winter when our skin is the color of cold oatmeal? Isn’t that sorta grey? But does she risk not following the herd of have-to-have-its and spin the color wheel?
Fortunately, the oh so fabulous design trendsetting gurus who know everything before you do have an answer for all that grey.
Sue Sigmon-Nosach
BLUE has been named the Color of the Year 2020!

Hurrah! Hurrah! Blue can be the color of a wave, the color of your grandchild’s eyes, the wing of a butterfly, a Texas bluebonnet, your favorite sweater, the winning ribbon from a long ago contest.
Truth is, blue goes with just about any color on the wheel and can set so many (Moody) blues. LOL!
Blue/white/yellow combos have always been classic. This combo is still fresh as the day it was first put together.
Red/white/blue….well, doesn’t it just make you want to put your hand over your heart?
Blue/orange/burgundy hints at smoky nights in places we used to frequent. Can anyone say ‘secret meetings, dim lighting and killer martinis?’
Truth is, depending on your choice of blue, it still goes with grey. You won’t have to change your entire house.
White or silver lamps, mirrors, perfectly plumped down pillows in shades of navy blue, if it so suits you, are happy companions that speak now. Go preppy (remember that one?) and toss navy blue, pink and lime green into the mix.
Go South Beach with blue, coral, and white for a contemporary vibe.
His mancave will make him want to hibernate all year when done in shades of blue, brown and sage green. Blue pairs well with the new metallic shades so popular now: brushed nickel and burnished brass practically salute when paired with blue.
Now, feel better?
A quick perusal of Wayfair, HomeGoods, and even your local consignment or antique shop are ready and waiting for you to try something new.
I say, bring home the blue ribbon this year!
In addition to being the founder of Gynecological Cancer Support at supportgc.org, Sue is an interior designer by profession.